Distinctions about certain TA concepts.

Our assertion comes from observations in the day to day practice and the analysis of our sample of 1500 subjects who completed the test Egogram 360. We believe there are distinctions within certain Ego State who deserve to be considered in order to fine tune the analysis.

Distinctions within the Parent Ego State.

  • The Strict Parent is concerned by the respect of rules and values. When we feel in our  Strict Parent, we consider our experience and our way to see things to dictate to ourself or others what to do, what's right or wrong. We tend to judge what happens and react hardly in order to rectify the situation.

  • The Critical Parent, who shares some characteristics of the Strict Parent has its own specificities. When we feel in our Critical Parent, we focus on what's wrong when we consider other people around us.  The Critical Parent counts the drops until  it comes over the edge. Then he gets angry, expresses his reproval or manifests violence. More harsh than the Strict Parent, it often feeds and sustain the expression of the Rebellious Child (as observed in our sample).

We also observe a distinction between the  Critical Parent for Self and Critical Parent for Others. When comes the time to analyse a person's profile, it merits to be considered.  It's the same for the Nurturing Parent for Self and Nurturing Parent for Others.


Distinctions for the Child Ego State.

The Ingenious Child is also named Creative Child or Little Professor.

The Natural Child is the same as Free Child and Spontaneous Child.


These distinctions in the Ego States are measured by the Egogram 360 to give you a better outlook from the portrait you draw of yourself as well as the portrait another person draws of you or herself. To go to the Egogram 360, click here.


If you have opinions about T.A. and would like to comment about the distinctions we bring along, you are welcome!  Don't forget to give your email address if you want us to reply.

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